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Cécile Bénézech

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Phone: 0131 242 6720

Research Area

Our lab is interested in the interplay between the immune system and the cardiovascular system and thrive to discover key immune pathways involved in maintaining metabolic and cardiovascular health. We aim to understand how dysregulation of immune pathways associated with obesity, age or disease leads to increased risk of infection and cardiovascular diseases. We ultimately want to identify new immune therapeutic targets to boost immune defence and treat cardiovascular diseases.


Obesity, loss of B1 cells and susceptibility to infection: Obesity rates are increasing all over the world. Obesity is affecting nearly 30% of adults in the UK. The effect of obesity on increasing risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer is well recognised. Obesity also affects the immune system leading to increase susceptibility to infections. This has become dramatically apparent with COVID-19; obesity is one of the main risk factors of hospitalisation and death with COVID-19. Obesity also increases the risk of pneumonia and post-operative infections, raising important clinical challenges in hospitals. One of our main interests is to understand how obesity affects B1 cells, a type of B cells producing antibodies, called natural antibodies, providing an important frontline protection against infection. We aim to identify mechanisms leading to loss of B1 cells in human during obesity and identify targets boosting their function to restore resistance to infection in obese patients (MRC funded project).  




B1 cells (red) producing natural antibodies

in adipose tissue (green) 






Maintaining tissue homeostasis:

  • Natural antibodies play an additional critical homeostatic function by removing dead cells, cellular debris, and oxidised lipoprotein particles. There are important to limit insulin resistance, atherosclerosis and thrombosis. We aim to understand the mechanism driving the production of natural antibodies in human, how these are impacted by age and disease status and to identify pathways restoring natural antibody levels and homeostatic function to treat insulin resistance in obesity, atherosclerosis and thrombosis.

  • Resident macrophages in adipose tissue are involved in a myriad of regulatory function. We aim to understand how they synchronise adipocyte and vascular function with feeding and how they control lipid distribution in the body.


Repairing the heart post-myocardial infarction: After a heart attack, the body mounts a response to clear dying tissue and repair the damage to the heart. The heart is enveloped by a protective sac called the pericardium, which contains a high number of B1 cells. These B1 cells protects the heart after a heart attack increasing its repair and preserving heart function. We aim to understand the mechanism underlying the protective function of pericardial B1 cells in human post-myocardial infarction and identify new pathways to boost their protective function to treat heart attack (MRC funded project).


Our Team

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For Full Publication List:

Sinton MC, Chandrasegaran PRG, Capewell P, Cooper A, Girard A, Ogunsola J, Perona-Wright G, M Ngoyi D, Kuispond N, Bucheton B, Camara M, Kajimura S, Bénézech C, Mabbott NA, MacLeod A, Quintana JF.


Nat Commun. 2023 Nov 3;14(1):7070.


PMID: 37923768

Magalhaes MS, Smith P, Portman JR, Jackson-Jones LH, Bain CC, Ramachandran P, Michailidou Z, Stimson RH, Dweck MR, Denby L, Henderson NC, Jenkins SJ, Bénézech C.


Nat Commun. 2021 Jul 21;12(1):4434.


PMID: 34290249 

Jackson-Jones LH, Smith P, Portman JR, Magalhaes MS, Mylonas KJ, Vermeren MM, Nixon M, Henderson BEP, Dobie R, Vermeren S, Denby L, Henderson NC, Mole DJ, Bénézech C.


Immunity. 2020 Apr 14;52(4):700-715.e6.


PPMID: 32294409

Rate of replenishment and microenvironment contribute to the sexually dimorphic phenotype and function of peritoneal macrophages.

Bain CC, Gibson DA, Steers NJ, Boufea K, Louwe PA, Doherty C, González-Huici V, Gentek R, Magalhaes-Pinto M, Shaw T, Bajénoff M, Bénézech C, Walmsley SR, Dockrell DH, Saunders PTK, Batada NN, Jenkins SJ.


Sci Immunol. 2020 Jun 19;5(48):eabc4466.


PMID: 32561560 

Conway BR, O'Sullivan ED, Cairns C, O'Sullivan J, Simpson DJ, Salzano A, Connor K, Ding P, Humphries D, Stewart K, Teenan O, Pius R, Henderson NC, Bénézech C, Ramachandran P, Ferenbach D, Hughes J, Chandra T, Denby L.


J Am Soc Nephrol. 2020 Dec;31(12):2833-2854.


​PMID: 32978267 

Jackson-Jones LH, Bénézech C.


Curr Opin Immunol. 2020 Jun;64:42-49.


​PMID: 32353646

O'Sullivan J, Finnie SL, Teenan O, Cairns C, Boyd A, Bailey MA, Thomson A, Hughes J, Bénézech C, Conway BR, Denby L.


Front Physiol. 2019 Nov 15;10:1365.


PMID: 31803059

Jackson-Jones LH, Duncan SM, Magalhaes MS, Campbell SM, Maizels RM, McSorley HJ, Allen JE, Bénézech C.


Nat Commun. 2016 Sep 1;7:12651. 


PMID: 27582256

Inflammation-induced formation of fat-associated lymphoid clusters.

Bénézech C, Luu NT, Walker JA, Kruglov AA, Loo Y, Nakamura K, Zhang Y, Nayar S, Jones LH, Flores-Langarica A, McIntosh A, Marshall J, Barone F, Besra G, Miles K, Allen JE, Gray M, Kollias G, Cunningham AF, Withers DR, Toellner KM, Jones ND, Veldhoen M, Nedospasov SA, McKenzie ANJ, Caamaño JH.


Nat Immunol. 2015 Aug;16(8):819-828.


PMID: 26147686

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Centre for Cardiovascular Science

Queen's Medical Research Institute,

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Edinburgh EH16 4TJ

University of Edinburgh
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